viernes, 13 de marzo de 2009

The Little Black Dress

En los años 20, Coco Chanel creo un vestido negro, sencillo, recto y con un largo a medio muslo. Era una prenda asequible para un amplio publico, basica, versatil y elegante. Dior y Givenchy añadieron su particular vision años mas tarde y aun hoy en dia es considerado un must have en los armarios femeninos. Es raro el desfile en el que no se encuentra una version pero el Little Black Dress se reinventa y adapta a las modas como ninguna otra prenda. Aun asi todavia se pueden encontrar algunas versiones que cumplen el objetivo inicial de Coco: ser utilizable en muchas ocasiones. (Fotos linea superior y linea inferior)
In the 20's Coco Chanel created a simple, calf-length, black dress. It was an affordable piece of clothing, accesible by many women, basic, versatile and elegant. Dior and Givenchy did their own versions years later and today it is still considered a must have in feminine wardrobes. There are few designers who don't show a version of it in every collection but the Little Black Dress is easily adaptable to the latest trends. Yet it is still possible to find some versions that adjust to Coco's main objective: to be usable in many occassions. (pics 1st row above and below)

Muchos de los que se presentan en la actualidad se olvidan de la sencillez inicial. Las faldas se acortan, los tirantes se hacen asimetricos, las formas se ajustan al cuerpo y los materiales se enriquecen. Es esencial encontrar una version sencilla del LBD para cualquier ocasion pero ¿quien puede resistirse a hacerse cada temporada con el que cumpla los canones vigentes de la moda?
Most of the ones that are shown nowadays forget about the initial simpleness. Skirts get shorter, asymetric shapes take the lead, it adjusts to the body and the fabrics are more luxurious and rich. It is essential to have a basic version of the LBD for every occassion but, who can resist the tempation of buying every season the one that follows the current fashion rules?

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1 comentario:

  1. heheh the compulsory, 'versatile' lbds are not too versatile anymore huh, every one of these are so different...I believe one can't have too many lbds :P The christopher kane one is sweeet!


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